Mom's wisdom

"Here's the thing about life. You've got to find those fun things to have about life. This is not necessarily fun.
But you've got to find something fun." - Mom, on June 22, 2012.

Tuesday, February 28

Radiation gives us a few words!

Mom's yellow roses are tinged with pink.
The rose bush was a Mother's Day gift from her girls years ago.
After the weekend's quiet, turning into occasional frustration, and the growing impatience while waiting for radiation, 2:30 pm yesterday was a welcome time. Mom recognized the guy who takes her on her radiology field trip, and she was so happy to see him! He is a young, smiling guy who has a tough job: taking people who are really sick to a treatment that may or may not help them and will probably make them feel a little worse before it makes them feel better. And yet he does his job with a spring in his step and a smile on his face. It brightened Mom's day and she positively reacted to his presence. YAY for people who are in the right job; we are thankful for them.

Last night Mom said "yes" a few times, very clearly...and this morning, she said "wait just a minute" clear as a bell. She's still mostly gesturing (we're getting better at reading what her pointed fingers mean) and having clear facial expressions to let us know what she's trying to say.

:) means I'm happy to see you
:( means I'm so mad I cannot say what I want to say
:{ means I do not want any more of those nasty powdered scrambled eggs
:] means I will tolerate you putting in yet another iv site but I am not happy about it
;) means I love my grandchildren and their cute pictures that are all over my wall
xoxo means I love you, and there's a whole lot of that.

Today for the second time, Mom's anti-nausea medication that she takes prior to the chemotherapy pills has put her right into a nice, deep sleep. This means her body can metabolize and absorb the chemicals it needs to, and when she wakes up for more radiation today, it will have an even greater effect. I'm very much looking forward to what words she says today.

Smiles from Mom's friends, the NRMS Sunshine Committee!

Happiness is homemade banana nut bread.

A wonderful homemade card with friendly faces that make Mom smile.
Thanks so much, friends, for the wonderful baskets and cards and food you're providing for Mom and her family. You have no idea how good it feels to relax about the little things while we are taking care of Mom and this very big thing. She loves the cards, jokes, poems, letters,'s a wonderful gift you're all giving Mom, your friendship and love in tangible forms. She and all of us can feel the prayers and the support, and we appreciate it more than you know.


Anonymous said...

Yeah for words!! She has always said they were most important!

Mary said...

Glad to see that she is improving! I can't wait until we I can visit! Love you Judy Worrell! Keep it up!!!


Doug said...

So glad to read some positive news. We English teachers have pretty strong feelings about communication skills. I'm happy to see improvement in that area. Keep improving, Judy!

Nayzak Najm said...

I'm soooo happy Mrs. Worrell is getting so much better! We need some pictures!

See you soon Mrs. Worrell!

Xavier Baker said...

Omg mrs worrell you spoke I am so happy for you. I hope you keep trying to get those words out I am soooo happy for you and hope you show more improvement tomorrow

Katie G. said...

Glad you are getting so much better.. You have to take it one step at a time and not go to fast.. Just like you have to teach all your students so they understand what they didn't.. You are an awesome teacher and don't forget it... We are being good for Mrs. Mercer.. I bet you are glad to hear that.. Love you sooooooooo much and Miss you just as much!!!

Nayzak Najm said...

Today in English class, we were supposed to write at least a full page about the person we admired. The first thing that popped into my mind was "MRS. WORRELL! MRS. WORRELL!"

You are so strong Mrs. Worrell, and we all believe in you, and KNOW that you will be coming back soon! Just know that we'll be waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more! No matter how long it takes, take your time, rest, and VISIT US! :)

erover said...

That is the most gorgeous rose I've ever seen...and I worked for a florist for 5 years. Keep up the inspiring work. The determination and spirit your whole family shows is remarkable. We're all praying for you. --Elena