Mom's wisdom

"Here's the thing about life. You've got to find those fun things to have about life. This is not necessarily fun.
But you've got to find something fun." - Mom, on June 22, 2012.

Monday, February 27

Appreciating the little things

Gratitude is an art of painting an adversity into a lovely picture. - Kak Sri

We were hoping for a morning radiation treatment today. It is scheduled, however, for 2:30 pm today. So we wait some more.

I'm very impressed with a few little things this morning, however.
  1. Mom can eat oatmeal and grits at the same meal. The texture of the hot cereal is good for her and she can gladly enjoy both bowls that are brought to her. This is in addition to her apple juice, milk, and coffee, which you just know is not nearly as tasty as her typical skinny vanilla latte.
  2. All 7 pills this morning went down without enormous effort. That's a significant feat considering it's hard to swallow anything, especially something that looks suspiciously like a fat jelly-filled pencil eraser. Today, vanilla pudding eased the way. Another trick that worked.
  3. Nurses know exactly how to get Mom into a normal chair and back into her fancy bed with a minimum of effort on mom's part. It's quite a feat of physics to do that, given no motor skills are working on Mom's right side. (Let's get on with the radiation, people!)
  4. Nurse Michael is very good at taking blood pressure and putting on leg compression wraps without waking up Mom. He's so quiet, you wouldn't even know he's in the room. Mom's quiet sleep ended when the compression wraps started inflating and deflating, but the good thing is no blood clots will form while she's wearing them.
  5. Brushing teeth is a fun experience when half your mouth isn't working the way it should. It's a team effort requiring a table, a small cup of water for rinsing, a big empty cup for spitting, a supersoft toothbrush and a little dot of toothpaste, a floss pick, and a small cup of mouthwash. Not to mention a towel and paper towels. After doing this a few times now, you'd think I would have figured out to prep all my supplies before getting started. But I always leave something out of reach.
I know Mom is ready to brush her own teeth again. Let's GO with this radiation so she can!

Counting the hours until 2:30 pm...


Mary Gabriel said...

Alicia, I'm so glad you're there and able to with your mom...helping her do the tasks that just a couple weeks ago were second nature. Whether she can verbally communicate it or not, I'm sure she is so grateful to have you all there...not to mention keeping her breath minty fresh!


Karon Johnston said...

We are praying for you! Ben Johnston was baptised yesterday at church. You are in his thoughts and prayers every day.

Libba Overton Robbins said...

Judy, am keeping you on my mind and prayers constantly. I do miss being in contact with you and am so grateful that your girls are keeping all of us informed on how you are doing. Know I love you bunches and am still trying to think of funny things that happened with you and me at least 50 years you can laugh! Keep up that determination you are so known for and get better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello from the Sauters: You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. When is a good time to visit with you and your sisters? Don't want to bother your Mom. Hugs and kisses to all.

Anonymous said...

Cannot wait for her to be back.... Missing her awesomeness:)

Anonymous said...

tell her im praying for her and to stay strong<3
-meagan launius

Nayzak Najm said...

YAYYY!!! I'm glad Mrs. Worrell is getting so much better! how long does the teeth brushing process take? :)

Unknown said...

We're careful to brush teeth for at least two minutes plus flossing. Mom has a great smile, and we want to keep it that way!

erover said...

I had to wear those inflatable boots when I spent a month on bedrest in the maternity ward. They are annoying! But I did not get any blood clots. The biggest problem I had was not getting tangled in the wires. I had to wear them all day and all night, so I guess I got used to the feeling and the noise. Or maybe I'm just lucky that I sleep soundly. I hope you get used to them--and that you will be up and using your muscles soon so you won't need them! --Elena

erover said...

I had to wear those inflatable boots when I spent a month on bedrest in the maternity ward. They are annoying! But I did not get any blood clots. The biggest problem I had was not getting tangled in the wires. I had to wear them all day and all night, so I guess I got used to the feeling and the noise. Or maybe I'm just lucky that I sleep soundly. I hope you get used to them--and that you will be up and using your muscles soon so you won't need them! --Elena