Mom's wisdom

"Here's the thing about life. You've got to find those fun things to have about life. This is not necessarily fun.
But you've got to find something fun." - Mom, on June 22, 2012.

Wednesday, June 13

A way to help

We can do no great things, only small things with great love. - Mother Teresa
Mom is having a tough time. The gastrointestinal problem we referred to in the last post turned out to be bleeding somewhere in her body. The source has been difficult to find, requiring a colonoscopy, an endoscopy, and an interesting test involving tagging red blood cells with radioactivity. The surgeon is advocating a cautious approach today and says the bleed may be resolving itself (she seems to be losing less blood), but if it doesn't, she may be in for another surgery. She can't eat anything until the surgeon gives her the green light. Her last meal was Sunday's dinner: Sonny Bryan's smoked turkey sandwich.

Mom is receiving a blood transfusion again because she's already lost so much, and her hemoglobin levels are too low. They have the blood she needs, but it reminded us of the national need for blood. When someone needs blood or platelets, they need it fast, and blood is not always in ready supply. All of us healthy adult people can do something about that by donating blood or platelets. It's easy, free, and a great way to support our Mom and others in need of help.

If you're in the position to do so, please consider donating blood or support to the Red Cross.

Thank you for your help and prayers.


Alicia said...

For those of us in the DFW area, Carter Blood Care is the easiest way to go. Here's the link:

There is an office in Bedford that's close to many of us.

Mary Gabriel said...

Donating tomorrow at 2:15. Prayers for Judy!

Unknown said...

That's so nice of you! Thanks to everyone who has donated or is planning to. It's great to turn this awful experience into something that benefits others.

tweetnurse said...

Sometimes you can set up with Carter blood for people to donate in Mrs. Worrell's name and then she gets credit for those units donated in her name. Have you looked in to this?