Mom's wisdom

"Here's the thing about life. You've got to find those fun things to have about life. This is not necessarily fun.
But you've got to find something fun." - Mom, on June 22, 2012.

Friday, June 22

It's a good day

Things for which we're thankful today:
  • Mom has more energy and is no longer sleeping all day; yesterday she took only one hour-long nap, and she managed to sleep most of the night. It's made a huge difference today; she's more bright-eyed and pink-cheeked.
  • Mom is working with a speech therapist as I type this, and she's acing all the tests. Yesterday when she worked with the same therapist, she didn't do well at all; she got frustrated and angry at her inability to find the words, couldn't follow directions or count, and couldn't answer the questions. Today she's willing to try the exercises and is successfully counting, answering questions and following simple directions.
  • Mom's MRI results are good - no growth seen, despite skipping a dose of Avastin and chemotherapy. This means her sporadic anxiety and fear is likely due to her extended hospital stay and the pain she experienced in the ICU.
  • Mom has been accepted to the UT-Southwestern's Zale Lipshy in-patient rehab program, which has neuro specialists, and will be transferred there today. Her doctor explained it's "where all the VIPs go." We're so happy, it feels like she was accepted to Yale, instead of Zale
First step, Zale for regaining her strength. Next step, home.

Update: Mom has a great room at Zale Lipshy; it's big enough to accommodate a lot of folks, has a small fridge and table, and a lovely bright window facing downtown Dallas. She'll see the nighttime skyline from her bed!

View from Mom's room


Mary Terry said...

Love you, Judy! Very happy to hear you've gone ivy league. Hugs!!

Clint said...

So very glad to hear the good news! Fight on!

Lynn said...

Great news!!

brandi said...

That is the view only for a VIP! You deserve it!

Kirstyn Sanders said...

Great news.!
So great to hear she is doing better. (:

Pam said...

I am so happy to hear about the good day. Keep finding the blessings and the fun. Love you Judy.

Unknown said...

A VIP re-hab place for a VIP lady! Thinking of all of you and praying fervently!
Jan Brooks

tweetnurse said...

So glad to see Sommer positives things come today! I've heard Zale-lipshy's rehab is top notch both from a professional and non-professional stand point. Had friend spend some time there after a pretty bad motor cycle accident and he and family seemed to like it. Anyways everyone hang in there and good, night!