Mom's wisdom

"Here's the thing about life. You've got to find those fun things to have about life. This is not necessarily fun.
But you've got to find something fun." - Mom, on June 22, 2012.

Friday, June 15

Back in the ICU

We're in sadly familiar territory today, the ICU.  Different hospital, much larger facility.  Same level of anxiety and stress as before.

Mom has had a few blood transfusions as the doctors here try to figure out what is causing her to bleed.  We've learned that a GI bleed is a difficult problem to resolve, it bleeds, it stops, it bleeds again with no regularity or pattern.  For most tests, during the test there has not been a bleed, so resolution has been impossible.

Last night Mom was moved from a normal room to the ICU because in addition to hemoglobin counts going down, her heart rate was going up, which meant the bleed was active. They took her to the nuclear medicine facility here and did another tagged red blood cell count, and this time they found a general area where the bleeding is.  After a trip back up to the ICU, and considering the next steps, they took mom for an angiogram where if the bleed was still active, they could seal it off.  

As luck would have it, the persnickety bleed stopped and the angiogram was ineffective.  The stint was left in her artery, though, and the plan is to try later this afternoon, hopeful for success.

The GI staff here, in the meantime, is going to try their hand at resolution, now that the general area has been more defined.  We are hopeful for their success.  

In between these treatments, Mom has had her mediport wound repacked and dressed, and has had a central line put in.  Neither of those procedures were pain free.  My heart breaks for the strength required to get through those.  Not one but two such procedures within 2 hours.  That strength is amazing.  You know, after so many years of teaching wonderful talented and/or horribly mannered junior and high school students has steeled her reserve, so that now she can focus and concentrate on managing the pain, like she has managed the hundreds of hormonal children through her career. Quite a special woman.

I'm sending another plea for those of us who are able, to please donate blood.  I've seen how it helps Mom, and there are lots of other moms and dads here who are using it too.  

Please also pray for my dad, who is trying his best today.  I was thinking earlier than ICU for recovery from brain surgery was hard.  This may be worse, the not knowing how or when it will be fixed.  There's a lot of fear of the unknown, and taking the day one minute at a time.  


Doug said...

So sorry for Judy's pain, discomfort and stress and for the anxiety Ken and all of you feel daily. You are in our thoughts every day.

tweetnurse said...

Check with Carter blood care about having her friend and family donate specifically in her name. They do this and she would get credit for anything donated when said it's for her. I'm not sure how it works if they then offer a discount out what but I know they do that. But you have to set out up with them and get a nbr and stuff.