Mom's wisdom

"Here's the thing about life. You've got to find those fun things to have about life. This is not necessarily fun.
But you've got to find something fun." - Mom, on June 22, 2012.

Monday, June 18

Still in ICU

Mom and Jennifer
Mom is still in the ICU, being monitored closely for signs of whether the bleeding on the left side of her colon is continuing. Yesterday's not fun test failed to locate the exact source of the bleeding, so that was disappointing. On the other hand, her heart rate remains steady and in normal ranges; it goes up when there's active bleeding. So maybe the GI bleed is healing on its own. We are all praying that is the case, and that Mom can eat real food soon.

It's been a week of broth and water. It's torture to go without food; at some point it's all the body can think about. This morning Mom asked for "just some crackers," as though maybe we would grant her wishes if she didn't ask for too much. It was heartbreaking.

Today the pulmonary fellow and her team at UT-Southwestern are planning another test to view Mom's colon and small intestine, hoping to see signs of healing to indicate whether the bleeding is resolving on its own. We're hopeful this one finally shows us what's going on (or what was going on). One bright spot is that she'll get sleep during the procedure.

We continue to pray for our Mom, for the healing of her body and for some peace of mind to allow her to rest.

Update at 6:50 pm CST: Mom now is allowed to eat soft foods, so she's enjoying a bowl of applesauce, and if that goes well, she'll soon enjoy some soup and some chocolate pudding. Thank goodness!


Cristel said...

Praying with you all. My heart is breaking for you. Big hugs to you and your precious mom.


Linda Lyons-Bailey (for GBM4cure) said...

Good grief. I have been catching up here and so, so sorry for all your mom and you have been through. Of all the rotten things that could have gone wrong. I sure hope that things really are on the mend and that they stay that way. My husband is doing so well right now that I read stories like this and feel a little guilty. Here's some of the Bob luck--quick, put out your hand and catch it! I really wish I could donate some to some people. Here's crossing my fingers for your mom.

Mary Gabriel said...

So glad to see the update! Applesauce rocks.

tweetnurse said...

Glad she's getting the applesauce and sure does beat that broth. Still keeping all of you in my thoughts and payers. As always thanks for the updates!