Mom's wisdom

"Here's the thing about life. You've got to find those fun things to have about life. This is not necessarily fun.
But you've got to find something fun." - Mom, on June 22, 2012.

Monday, April 2

Did you know I talk in sparkles?

Mom sparkles. She may as well use glitter shampoo, that's how much she shines here. Every nurse that comes in has a kind smile for Mom, and Alicia (the nurse, not the daughter) took particular care and attention with her this morning. She had a wonderful shower and shampoo, and then styled her hair carefully so that the side that has gotten very thin and sparse is covered nicely. We put in 2 colorful clips, and with the purple tshirt she's wearing today, Mom is as pretty as an Easter Egg this morning.

After 2 classes of 1-1 therapy, Mom had her group session right before lunch. In a crowd of probably 20 patients, Mom had a good class of stretches, hand weights, and leg lifts. The therapists are full of energy and spunk, and song! The final exercise, a march, started off with a military-type chant, "Left, left, left right left, left, left, left right left..." and ended with a rousing rendition of She's a Grand Old Flag.

After classes this morning, Mom had lunch and then speech therapy. With sweet Nikole, her therapist, we learned why it's important to work on memorizing words. Say, rose, pillow and heart, those are today's words and their corresponding clues.

  1. Nikole point out that a rose is in Mom's room, it's pink, it smells good, it's beautiful, she is going to carry yellow roses in her upcoming wedding.
  2. The pillow is small, pink, pretty, and Mom has 2 of them. Nikole has 5 of them.
  3. The heart is a shape, it's on mom's quilt, it beats, it's the shape of a valentine.

The idea of these words are to say them now, then go to another topic of discussion, then recall those words 2, 5, and 10 minutes later. This is a lot harder than it sounds. Mom's responses, before saying the word, centralize on Nikole's upcoming wedding (which will definitely includes roses and hearts and a change of pillows!) and really "beat around the bush" instead of going to the target word. Fascinating how she completely understands what the word is but has trouble getting the single word out.

The reason this word-recall game is important, is that mom will be working on recalling more important things more easily, and practice on not-important words will make the important ones come more smoothly. So maybe we will all not be called "Granddaddy" one day. We all know he's her favorite person in the universe. If there was any doubt, just listen to her talk, everything she needs, jokes about, mentioned casually, struggles's all about "Granddaddy." She does say all of our names now, but when our name doesn't come out right, we become "Granddaddy". :)

While Mom concentrates on her words, she frequently says "it's sparkles" or "I'm just talking sparkles" which probably is an accurate description of what's going on with her neurons and synapses, they are sparkling and trying to connect. Maybe one day we'll have a whole little firework-fest and all the right words will come out at the right time.

For now, one sparkle at a time, it's been a fun day.


Nancy said...

Again, thank you so much for the update. It warms my heart to know how Judy is reconnecting and putting it back together. Isn't the brain fascinating! You daughters are just amazing, like your Mom.

Katie Green said...

Tell Mrs. Worrell that she has always sparkled in whatever she has attempted... Teaching being one of them.. She is a fantastic teacher and I miss her everytime I walk in to her classroom and see Mrs. Mercer.. She is a great sub in all but she just isn't Mrs. Worrell... <3 you soo much.. You are AWESOME and don't EVER forget it!!!

Treyonne said...

Please let your mom know, that mon son, Josh Reed, is ELA teacher of the month at Haltom High School. They have a special connection via the NJWPT from a several summers ago. Josh loves your mom, as do I.


donna cates said...

Love reading about your mom and her day to day improvements, challenges, and sparkles. Hugs to you all.

Nayzak Najm said...

Mrs. Worrell sure is a sparkle! That exercise you guys are working on sounds very creative and helpful! I hope it is working out well!
Yesterday in English class we had a stem qiiz, and we had to put a word for the stem and put it in a sentence. For flu- flow I used "fluency" and my sentence was "I admire Mrs. Worrell's fluency in English".
So, my point is, Mrs. Worrell DOES shine at everything, and if she was the greatest English speaker I have ever met before, she can get back on track no matter what gets in her way, because that is the sparkle that we all know so well :)

erover said...

I'm not sure if you're watching movies much, but the "sparkles" reminds me of Mr Magorium's Magic Emporium. Maggie wants to sparkle, and eventually she does. It sounds like your mom has always been full of sparkles and is a very special lady. You are quite a family!