Mom's wisdom

"Here's the thing about life. You've got to find those fun things to have about life. This is not necessarily fun.
But you've got to find something fun." - Mom, on June 22, 2012.

Monday, June 24

Don't forget dessert.

Lessons learned from Father's Day....

background...Mom was hospitalized for a few days in late May for an infection and muscle pain.  She has been home 2 weeks now but is still most comfortable flat on her back. Sitting up has painful for more than a few minutes at a time, but she is gaining a few additional minutes of comfort and confidence every other day or so.

Mom always bakes Dad a coconut pie for his birthday and for Father's Day. Many years in the past I've made it, but this year I completely forgot to put it on the grocery list, and if in my scant 45 minute, once every 3 weeks grocery dash, I don't remember, then it just doesn't get done.

We celebrated Dad's Father's Day on Saturday evening with blue cheese burgers, crash potatoes from the Pioneer Woman blog, an avocado and roasted corn salad, and garden-fresh tomatoes with basil and some steamed squash. It was really delicious, and no one was hungry for dessert afterwards.  It was a nice Father's Day dinner.

Sunday after church I headed back over to their house so Dad could do the 2nd half of his weekly grocery run.  Mom was very sad, emotional not being able to see her Dad in North Carolina. As mom and I talked throughout the early afternoon, I realized it was also because Dad didn't get a coconut pie. Uh oh. Bad daughter moment.

Son in law and to the rescue.  A quick run for buttermilk, coconut and a pie shell, delivered to mom's doorstep, and we had a freshly baked coconut pie done before Dad returned from her errands.  The day was saved, and thankfully, ended on a sweet note!

More seriously, mom still has some sort of infection, but her speech has measurably improved and she is able to sit up on the side of the bed again for her meals now.  Hopefully the infection clears itself, otherwise we go back to an antibiotic regimen, and every time we do that it's 3 steps backwards with associated side effects, with no certainty the infection will clear.

Continued prayers and notes of encouragement to Mom and Dad are welcome and appreciated! 

1 comment:

Larry and Wanda said...

Hope there are no more backward steps and that Judy continues to progress. It's nice to see the support that you all give each other. And y'all are in our thoughts daily.