Mom's wisdom

"Here's the thing about life. You've got to find those fun things to have about life. This is not necessarily fun.
But you've got to find something fun." - Mom, on June 22, 2012.

Sunday, February 24

One Month Later...

Mom's strength is continuing to increase daily.  She is doing well with her therapy, and is eating all her meals on the side of the bed, and can sit up for around 15 minutes at a time, several times a day.  Some days are better than others, of course, but what's important is that the strength hasn't waned despite little setbacks here and there.  This upcoming week, with luck and hard work she may be able to stand.  We are all looking forward to that!  

Mom and Mary Claire enjoyed reading a book together today. Mary Claire was reading to Mom who was listening carefully, while occasionally stopping her to check the weather on the news, and when a story came on about what foods cause headaches...

But then she turned over and faced MC.  I put pillow behind her back, and she leaned more towards MC.  MC said, "Grandma, do you want your glasses?" which of course, she did.  She was wanting to read along with MC. 

After a few pages of trying to follow the little speed reader, Mom was getting lost in the text.  I asked MC to slow down and read together with Mom. Not an easy task for the former theater girl who loves to be lightening quick, mostly accurate, and very expressive in her reading.  But when she figured out that Mom wanted to read along with her, and that Mom is quite good at the conversational words, but not so good at words like hypothesis and situation, she did slow down.  And they read a few pages together, and they both got tired and decided to brush and braid MC's hair.  Typical Grandma kind of stuff.

We've had a good weekend. Dad's Aunt Gladys Lancaster, his mother's sister in law, called and they had a great visit remembering our times together in Virginia, and talking about what all the children and grandchildren are doing these days.  Then, Mom and Dad called Dad's sister Christine, and they had a nice chat as well.  

This has made Mom talk about her childhood tonight, she is saying she didn't have much, but she did have a lot.  Which I think is probably true, and I'm glad that even though the expressive words don't com easy, she is able to communicate important thoughts with clarity.  


Larry and Wanda said...

Thanks for the update Alicia. Glad to hear that Judy's physical strength is growing. She certainly has the mental strength.

Unknown said...

Alicia, we have followed each post since the beginning but never made a comment until now. It's been a long illness and recovery filled with love and determination. Please convey our best wishes to Judy, Ken and to you girls;know our prayers never stop. Art and Judy Irvine

Unknown said...

Thanks so much, Art, Judy, Larry and Wanda! It's great to know our family friends are keeping us close at heart and in prayers. Mom and Dad appreciate it every day.