Mom's wisdom

"Here's the thing about life. You've got to find those fun things to have about life. This is not necessarily fun.
But you've got to find something fun." - Mom, on June 22, 2012.

Wednesday, August 8

Just when you thought you had it figured out... get another new loop thrown at you!  Monday a week ago, Mom slightly injured her back and now has a compression fracture to deal with.  You might think there is nothing good happening with Mom, ever.  You would be wrong.

Here are some of the wonderful things that have happened, even through the most recent difficulties:

1.  Mom's favorite nurse moved to a new care group, so we got a new nurse.  Not fun.  New nurse lasted exactly one hour, then we got a "new" new nurse who is delightful!  Someone who listens, who takes care not to pull of tape too fast, and someone who uses lidocaine liberally is welcome in our house.

2.  Mom has had several absolutely delicious dinners, all thanks to her friends.  Bless all of you for your time in the kitchen and making deliveries for her.  She and Dad have enjoyed every-single-last-bite of your deliciousness.  Special thanks for all the protein-rich meals, they are so healthy for her!

3.  Mom has decided to redecorate the middle bedroom she's spending all her time in while her back heals. The 25+ year old curtains are in the back of my car ready for the donation bin. In perfect condition, albeit a bit dusty. We have also removed an old computer monitor and Christmas-themed table runner.  (!)  Several dolls have also been relocated into the front room for the girls to play with.

4. Costco sells a wonderful TV antenna for less than $40.00 which means Mom has full Olympic access via NBC!  She has watched all the events on for the past several days, and has plenty to say about the less-than-complimentary announcers!  (She is not alone in this...)  She's cheering the Americans every night, and her favorites seem to be the littlest ones, I think they probably remind of her of her some of her students.

5.  Dad has hired a caregiver to help Mom during the day. This lady is a angel sent from above, I really mean it. She has connected with Mom and has been an invaluable help this past week.  She is, by trade, a massage therapist, and she's been working on Mom's legs the past week.  100% of the swelling is gone, just like that.

6.  At the last doctor's appointment we went to, Mom's steriods were reduced.  This seems to have had a contributing effect to the swelling reduction, too.  All good.  We were told to watch for signs of brain swelling, most noticeably would be a speech change, but we have not seen anything to indicate a regression. YEAH!

There continues to be much to be thankful for in the Worrell house, many good things happening, indeed.


donna said...

Praise praise!!! God has more in store for your mom!!! She is so blessed to have such an awesome family surrounding her...and angels on earth to help her heal!!

Luanne Humphrey said...

Judy, you are definitely a gold medal winner. I love you dearly and am so glad to hear how well you are doing! Luanne